Welcome to DATA.

DATA students have the opportunity to explore the world of digital arts and technology and engage with classmates in expressing their ideas. Digital Arts and Technology Academy is a public charter school for grades 7-12 in Albuquerque, NM. 

We are New Mexico.

DATA offers a comprehensive academic curriculum that is aligned with New Mexico Standards and Benchmarks. Each course gives students the opportunity to develop skills such as critical thinking, problem solving and effective communication. Our courses are designed to prepare our students to be successful on the required state tests, the NMSBA (New Mexico Standards Based Assessment) and the NMHSCE (New Mexico High School Competency Exam). Our elective courses offer students the opportunity to explore the content areas of media and technology while learning career skills that will benefit them in all workplace situations.

Community Engagement

DATA Charter recognizes the important role families and community play in the improvement of our school and the wellbeing of our students.  Engaged communities and families is a critical component to reach our goal of dramatically increased student achievement.  Digital Arts & Technology Academy affirms also that the involvement of family and community partners is critical to the overall success of our students and is essential to maintain the DATA Charter initiative to implement innovative programs to meet the needs and interests of all our students.

Student Support

Why Students Like DATA


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  • DATA is hosting a screening of Counted Out, March 26th at 1:00 p.m. at the Guild Cinema. Below is more information about the documentary and a link to reserve your spot. Tickets are free but space is limited! We encourage parents and students to attend with our DATA staff. We look forward to seeing you there!



    From the Director of Counted Out:

    "In making Counted Out, I learned that we have a math crisis in America, but that it’s a crisis whose solution is at our fingertips. As we capture the knowledge, organizing, and wherewithal of those who are advocating for widespread math literacy, we can unleash something else: the power of all of us to shape the world we’re living in."

  • Photo from @DATA High School on Facebook on DATA High School at 2/8/25 at 8:13PM
  • Photo from @DATA High School on Facebook on DATA High School at 1/13/25 at 2:53PM
  • Hello DATA Families! We hope you're enjoying the last days of winter break. We look forward to seeing you next week and with that in mind, our January Newsletter is hot off the press!

    English: https://acrobat.adobe.com/id/urn:aaid:sc:US:6e2f88f3-7082-4364-9d08-8ce2bbd1e0bd

    Spanish: https://acrobat.adobe.com/id/urn:aaid:sc:US:6ec1c46e-785b-480b-a385-a610df69d1cd

  • Our December newsletter is hot off the press and was just delivered to your inboxes.

    You can also find it here in English (https://acrobat.adobe.com/id/urn:aaid:sc:us:710b210c-3321-416b-9d5f-13db18a796ab) and in Spanish (https://acrobat.adobe.com/id/urn:aaid:sc:US:ef6494fe-3c9f-417a-a28c-a3da5afa4aff).

    DATA Spirit Week and the Scholastic Book Fair start tomorrow so click the links for more information! We look forward to seeing you tomorrow!

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  • Our November Newsletter is here!
    We've also sent this via email so check your inbox. Have a great weekend!

    English: https://acrobat.adobe.com/id/urn:aaid:sc:US:89d362c3-3f1d-4755-b068-c9183261a3ca

    Spanish: https://acrobat.adobe.com/id/urn:aaid:sc:US:f6b7a497-25fe-4d35-b902-93c5f3b7b87c

  • Hello DATA Families. We are officially closed due to inclement weather and power outages. Please check your email for more information! Stay safe and warm!

  • We are on a 2-hour delay tomorrow, 11/7. Start time 10 am. Check your email for more information. We will update in the morning if this changes to a closure. Stay warm!

  • Hello Families. School was cancelled today due to a power outage. We think we were affected by the balloon that hit a power line this morning. Our apologies! Teachers will post work on Google classroom. Drivers ed students...your teacher will email your parents with work you need to do at home!

  • Photo from @DATA High School on Facebook on DATA High School at 10/7/24 at 11:30AM
  • We've sent out a parent communication about today's school cancellation. Please check your emails! If you are not receiving: emails, phone calls or text messages (all three were sent out this morning), please email devin.mcguire@datacharter.org. Thank you for your patience!

  • Dear DATA families, we apologize for the late notice but we are canceling school for the day. We will reach out through email with more information.

  • Photo from @DATA High School on Facebook on DATA High School at 10/2/24 at 2:32AM
  • Photo from @DATA High School on Facebook on DATA High School at 8/1/24 at 4:47PM
  • Good morning DATA families! Monday the 27th is a holiday and there is no school. Tuesday is a regular full day of classes, and is reserved for final exams. Wednesday is a half day, as usual. Teachers may schedule exams that day as well. Thursday the 30th is reserved for make-up exams and there are no scheduled classes. Teachers will contact you if your child needs to come in that day for exams.

    Please let us know if you have any questions about this. An email communication has also been sent out. Happy Friday!

  • Photo from @DATA High School on Facebook on DATA High School at 5/17/24 at 6:01PM
  • DATA Community, as a reminder we will have field day tomorrow from 8:00-11:00. There will be water games so students may want to bring a change of clothes. Students should be picked up no later than 11:30. The building will be closed at 12:00.

    The awards ceremony is at UNM continuing education building 1634 University Blvd NE 87131 and starts at 1:00. We will not be providing transportation to the awards ceremony. If your student is receiving an award you would have already been notified. We ask that ALL seniors attend so we can give last minute instructions for graduation. Graduation is this Friday, May 17th at Veteran's Memorial Park. There are no classes this day and the building will be closed.

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  • Photo from @DATA High School on Facebook on DATA High School at 5/15/24 at 9:07PM
  • Good morning DATA Families,

    This is a reminder that students in grades 7-10 and Seniors who took the science readiness exam last year have an asynchronous day tomorrow. Teachers will post assignments either on Discord or via email.

    ALL Juniors and any Seniors who need to take the science readiness exam should report to school tomorrow (Monday April 22nd) at 8 am. On Friday the 19th, there was an issue with the testing system for high schoolers and we had to send Juniors/Seniors home. The NM Assessment of Science Readiness is a state-mandated exam and is required for graduation.

    We apologize for the inconvenience that the testing issues caused. Thank you so much.

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    The SAT is TOMORROW, April 10th at 8 am. Only juniors and seniors who didn't test last year will take this exam. Please contact Jeanette Perez at: Jeanette.Perez@datacharter.org if you are unsure if your child falls into this category. If your child does not fall into this category or grade levels, April 10th will be a remote learning day and teachers will provide/post assignments for them to work on at home.

    If your child IS taking the SAT, please read the attached letter sent on April 7 from Ms. Myhre that provides more information about this test. The SAT is required for graduation, so if your child is a senior and did not test last year, they must be here on April 10th.

  • Photo from @DATA High School on Facebook on DATA High School at 4/5/24 at 1:34PM
  • Hello! We are now on Instagram! Follow us to keep up with the great happenings at our school. 😊


  • The DATA Drama Department presents the WORLD PREMIERE of “The Tarnished Crown” written by Mars Prevett (11th grade), TONIGHT!! We hope to see you all there to support our incredible students.

  • CONGRATULATIONS to our Boys Basketball Team who WON the Championship game against Albuquerque Aviation last night!! We are proud to be a part of the Albuquerque Charter League and provide opportunities for our students to play sports at DATA.

    Go DATA DRAGONS!! 🏀🏀🏀🏀🏀🏀

  • Shout out to Mr. McHaley's engineering class who is competing in the Enlightened Challenge through the Air Force Research Lab! We are wishing the best for these students! For more information click here: https://cec-code-lab.aps.edu/afrlchallenge/

  • Photo from @DATA High School on Facebook on DATA High School at 2/22/24 at 8:39PM
  • Photo from @DATA High School on Facebook on DATA High School at 2/16/24 at 4:04PM
  • Photo from @DATA High School on Facebook on DATA High School at 2/9/24 at 8:16PM
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  • Photo from @DATA High School on Facebook on DATA High School at 2/9/24 at 4:53PM
  • Spring sports season is approaching! Coach Buehler needs student paperwork and physicals before students can start practicing. If paperwork/physicals were completed this school year, you're good to go! For more information email kathleen.buehler@datacharter.org

    Monday (1/29) is the deadline for paperwork for students wanting to play middle school co-ed flag football, middle school volleyball and high school volleyball.

  • Photo from @DATA High School on Facebook on DATA High School at 1/27/24 at 1:23AM
  • Photo from @DATA High School on Facebook on DATA High School at 1/19/24 at 4:09PM
  • Photo from @DATA High School on Facebook on DATA High School at 1/15/24 at 2:40PM
  • Welcome back DATA students to a what we hope will be a great semester! Make sure to check our calendar, check-in with teachers and advisors, and make this semester count. We've got this! Happy 2024!

  • Photo from @DATA High School on Facebook on DATA High School at 12/14/23 at 9:06PM
  • Photo from @DATA High School on Facebook on DATA High School at 12/11/23 at 11:08PM
  • Photo from @DATA High School on Facebook on DATA High School at 12/11/23 at 7:46PM
  • Photo from @DATA High School on Facebook on DATA High School at 12/1/23 at 8:55PM
  • Photo from @DATA High School on Facebook on DATA High School at 11/29/23 at 3:33PM
  • Photo from @DATA High School on Facebook on DATA High School at 11/14/23 at 3:03PM
  • Photo from @DATA High School on Facebook on DATA High School at 10/30/23 at 4:56PM
  • Good morning!

    We were just informed that APS is coming tomorrow, Friday the 27th, to install speed bumps in our front parking area. Installation will begin at 8:30 am and our east gate will be closed at that time. You may drop off your children as usual before 8:30. For late drop-offs, you'll need to drop off on Lamberton.

    Student drivers arriving late, please enter the west parking lot through our south/west gate and park as usual in the west lot. Staff will park in the back.

    All students will need to be picked up in the back, as the speed bumps will still be curing in the front. Because of the Community Fall Festival and Vax Clinic, classes end at 2 (Fall Festival from 2 to 4). If you want to pick up your children early, you can do so at 2 in the back of the school.

    We apologize for the inconvenience but we hope that these speed bumps will reduce the speed of thru-traffic and increase safety for everyone. Thank you so much.

  • Photo from @DATA High School on Facebook on DATA High School at 10/25/23 at 10:29PM
  • Photo from @DATA High School on Facebook on DATA High School at 10/16/23 at 3:03PM
  • Good afternoon DATA Families,

    Just a reminder there is standardized testing tomorrow for our middle school students (iMSSA), all 10th graders, and most 11th graders (PSAT). There is NO school tomorrow for 9th grade, a handful of 11th graders and 12th grade. Admin will send out a separate email shortly to those juniors who need to test tomorrow. All students should arrive at 8 a.m. and they will be done around 11:30. Lunch will be served through Rhubarb and Elliot after testing is done for those who order online.

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  • Photo from @DATA High School on Facebook on DATA High School at 9/25/23 at 5:42PM
  • Hello DATA Families!

    We hope you've been well. It's been a while! Our IT department is working out glitches in getting our mass messaging system (School Messenger) synced to PowerSchool, and we deeply apologize for the delay in communication. We wanted to remind you that Parent Night with Admin is this evening at DATA, from 6 to 7. We'll have art on display from the middle school, and admin will be available to answer your questions about coursework, the daily schedule, lunch concerns and more. We hope to see you this evening!

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  • Join us THIS THURSDAY for PARENT NIGHT WITH ADMIN. This event is from 6:00pm to 7:00pm at DATA. Please fill out this form to let us know your interest in attending. :)


  • Photo from @DATA High School on Facebook on DATA High School at 9/18/23 at 2:27PM
  • Photo from @DATA High School on Facebook on DATA High School at 9/13/23 at 11:59PM
  • Photo from @DATA High School on Facebook on DATA High School at 9/12/23 at 7:27PM
  • Photo from @DATA High School on Facebook on DATA High School at 8/29/23 at 2:25PM
  • Photo from @DATA High School on Facebook on DATA High School at 8/28/23 at 3:53PM
  • Photo from @DATA High School on Facebook on DATA High School at 8/25/23 at 3:10PM
  • Photo from @DATA High School on Facebook on DATA High School at 8/22/23 at 9:32PM
  • Photo from @DATA High School on Facebook on DATA High School at 8/17/23 at 9:03PM
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  • Photo from @DATA High School on Facebook on DATA High School at 8/17/23 at 5:04PM
  • Good morning! Several of our teachers are using DonorsChoose, Adopt A Class and Amazon.com this year for exciting student-led projects and more! Check out the comments to see how you can help our teachers. :)

  • Photo from @DATA High School on Facebook on DATA High School at 8/10/23 at 2:48PM
  • Photo from @DATA High School on Facebook on DATA High School at 8/9/23 at 2:00PM
  • Photo from @DATA High School on Facebook on DATA High School at 8/2/23 at 5:48PM
  • Photo from @DATA High School on Facebook on DATA High School at 7/28/23 at 7:21PM
  • Photo from @DATA High School on Facebook on DATA High School at 7/25/23 at 1:14AM
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  • Photo from @DATA High School on Facebook on DATA High School at 7/19/23 at 4:44PM
  • Photo from @DATA High School on Facebook on DATA High School at 7/11/23 at 2:57PM
  • Photo from @DATA High School on Facebook on DATA High School at 6/15/23 at 2:50PM
  • Good morning DATA Families! The 2022-2023 Yearbook has arrived! We have scheduled a time for pickup TOMORROW from 1-3pm in the main lobby. We also have ordered some extra books that are first come, first serve for those who missed the ordering deadline. If you plan on coming to purchase one of those, please bring $35 in the form of cash or a check made to the school. Payment is due at time of pickup if purchasing day of.

    If you are unable to make these times, please email Mia.Valdez@datacharter.org to make other arrangements. Thank you!

  • Photo from @DATA High School on Facebook on DATA High School at 6/6/23 at 7:25PM
  • Photo from @DATA High School on Facebook on DATA High School at 5/25/23 at 2:45PM
  • Today from 12 to 2 pm, DATA and 8th Grade Parents will host our first 8th Grade Learning Showcase. This will be a time our community celebrates the learning experiences of our 8th Graders in recognition of their accomplishments during their time in Middle School. It will also be a time for students to share their goals and aspirations for High School. We hope you can make it!

  • Yearbook Distribution Info:

    The yearbooks have been sent to production and our latest update is they will now arrive at the school the week of June 19. We thought they would ship to your address provided but were informed from Herff Jones they will be sent to the school instead like last year. There will be extra copies available to purchase at that time as well, first come first serve. Thanks! We will message families as soon as they arrive.

  • Photo from @DATA High School on Facebook on DATA High School at 5/20/23 at 6:54PM
  • Today, Our 8th graders are performing today at 12:30pm for other schools in the area. Parents and teachers are invited to attend their theater performance today at 5:30 pm at N4th Theatre- 4904 4th Street NW.

    Thanks Mrs. Yeo for making so many stellar productions this school year! <3

  • Photo from @DATA High School on Facebook on DATA High School at 5/5/23 at 8:23PM
  • Photo from @DATA High School on Facebook on DATA High School at 5/5/23 at 8:09PM
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  • Photo from @DATA High School on Facebook on DATA High School at 5/4/23 at 8:35PM
  • Photo from @DATA High School on Facebook on DATA High School at 5/2/23 at 8:01PM
  • Thank you to all parents, volunteers, and students for helping us pull off another successful Prom at the Dragon Lair! Thanks to our awesome sponsors Ms. Heather Yeo, Ms. Shana Klar, Ms. Denise Bibiano and Mrs. Eileen Reynolds.

  • DATA Track and Field had a great showing across events at the Charter School League Championship Meet. The boys ended up taking second overall with 70 points and the girls team took third with 24 points. If you see these athletes congratulate them on a great season! Hopefully we will see even more DATA track athletes out next season to fight for first place in the Charter School League.

    Finishers – Top 6:
    Girls – 24 points (3rd Place)
    100m – Mars – 5th Place, Adelaide - 6th Place
    1600m - Mars – 3rd Place
    400m - Mars – 3rd Place
    800m - Mars – 3rd Place
    Long Jump – Adelaide – 4th Place, Khloe – 5th Place
    Shot Put – Adelaide – 3rd Place, Khloe – 4th Place

    Boys – 70 Points (2nd Place)
    100m – Mekhi – 2nd Place, Samuel – 6th Place
    1600m – Dylan – 3rd Place
    4x100 - Alex, Sam, Lantz, Mekhi – 2nd Place
    400m – Dylan- 3rd Place, Alex – 5th Place
    800m - Sam - 4th Place
    200m – Mekhi – 2nd Place, Sam – 5th Place, Lantz – 6th Place
    Long Jump – Mekhi – 1st Place, Dylan – 2nd Place, Lantz – 3rd Place
    Shot Put – Gabe – 1st Place, Greg – 5th Place

    Go DATA Dragons!!

  • The DATA Middle School Flag Football has made the Final Four! They will play their first game Monday May 1st at 4:30pm at Bullhead Park Field 8 (East Side of the Park).
    *No Admission fee for Flag Football
    Come and cheer on these Middle School Dragons! WOOHOO!

  • Photo from @DATA High School on Facebook on DATA High School at 4/27/23 at 4:50PM
  • Photo from @DATA High School on Facebook on DATA High School at 4/21/23 at 3:37PM
  • Photo from @DATA High School on Facebook on DATA High School at 4/21/23 at 2:56PM
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  • Come support the Middle School Flag Football Team at today's game starting at 4:30pm at Bullhead Park 8 playing against ASAL.


    Share your favorite pics of the team in action here in our comments after. :) 🏈🏈🏈

  • Photo from @DATA High School on Facebook on DATA High School at 4/18/23 at 2:39PM
  • Photo from @DATA High School on Facebook on DATA High School at 4/18/23 at 2:38PM
  • Photo from @DATA High School on Facebook on DATA High School at 4/17/23 at 10:32PM
  • Good morning,

    Just a reminder there is NO school for grades 7-10 and 12 tomorrow. Juniors must report at 8 am for SAT testing. Please do not arrive late. Testing will end around 12:30pm. Lunch will NOT be served tomorrow.

    Friday, April 21st is science testing for 8th and 11th only. Testing will end around 12:30pm on this day. No school for 7th, 9th, 10th and 12th on this day. Lunch WILL be served on this day through Rhubarb and Elliot if parents choose to order.

    Thank you

  • Friendly reminder that we do not have school tomorrow, April 7, or Monday, April 10, in recognition of the vernal holiday. Have a great weekend!

  • Photo from @DATA High School on Facebook on DATA High School at 4/2/23 at 6:58PM
  • Photo from @DATA High School on Facebook on DATA High School at 3/31/23 at 4:42PM
  • Photo from @DATA High School on Facebook on DATA High School at 3/28/23 at 4:27PM
  • Hello DATA Community! Welcome back from Spring Break and welcome to Quarter 4! This week we have two Girls Volleyball Games: One on Wednesday at 5:30pm against Albuquerque School of Excellence at ASE and then again on Thursday, 3/30 at 5:30pm against MAS at MAS.

    We hope you all have a great week back! Go Dragons!

  • Reminder: Today is an A day (periods 1,3,5,7). Monday, we have an Intervention Day where students are invited to come between the hours of 8am and 12pm to receive additional supports in their courses. Parents should be receiving an invitation from their teachers via email. Have a great Friday!

  • Photo from @DATA High School on Facebook on DATA High School at 3/3/23 at 2:22PM
  • Photo from @DATA High School on Facebook on DATA High School at 3/2/23 at 9:40PM
  • Photo from @DATA High School on Facebook on DATA High School at 2/28/23 at 4:57PM
  • Photo from @DATA High School on Facebook on DATA High School at 2/27/23 at 7:34PM
  • Thank you to all families and friends and prospective students who joined us at our OPEN HOUSE last night! If you missed out, please feel free to contact us for a tour: mia.valdez@datacharter.org