Information Technology 1 will introduce advanced students to the role of Information Technology Assistant. Students will be given access to the schools network and expected to perform the duties of Network/IT Assistants. The high level of responsibility warrants very high expectations. IT Students are treated as (unpaid) employees using the existing Schools resources as OJT. Students will be introduced to the basics of how to manage a client/server network, learn to identify BASIC network infrastructure resources and topologies as well as how to properly inventory resources. Help desk customer support will be one of the primary responsibilities including “pass-downs” to other IT Assistants on incoming shifts. All students are assigned roles in an organizational reporting structure and are in charge of the PC Repair students in the free PC repair lab the school runs. Students will understand the requirements of the Network+ CompTIA certification.
Information Technology 2 will continue the internship from Information Technology 1. Students are expected to take a leadership role over 1st year IT students as well as the Upgrading and Repairing PC students. Students will intern as an IT/Network Administrator. Students will learn advanced server and server OS configuration. Students will learn all aspects of deploying, maintaining, upgrading and troubleshooting the Schools entire Technology infrastructure including Servers and Server OS’s. The high level of responsibility will warrant very high expectations. Students will learn how to manage network file and printer shares, profiles and security policies. Students will create network maps to represent current and proposed topologies and well as be able to create efficient wired and wireless topologies. Students will also perform job evaluations of subordinates and learn to manage a team of support personnel including how to deal with personnel issues to create an efficient and effective IT support team. Students will understand the requirements of the Server+ CompTIA Certification.
Upgrading and Repairing PC’s will introduce students to the basics of modern computer upgrade, troubleshooting, maintenance and repair. Emphasis is placed on component identification and diagnosis of software and hardware related problems as outlined in the requirements of the CompTIA A+ Industry Certification. Basic computer networking will be introduced in this course as well.
This course continues from first semester and puts the students in the role of a Junior IT Technician. Students will learn advanced techniques (using hardware and software diagnostic tools) for troubleshooting and repair. Students will be able to identify ALL major components of a modern computer system and there function and will be able to configure and build a PC from scratch. Students will learn networking in more detail. Student will become versed in proper protocol for working on customer support problems as this lab is primarily responsible for running the free PC repair service our school offers and is the feeder program for those wishing to pursue Advanced training in Information Technology.