Immigration Resources for Families


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A look at policies and procedures in place to protect our students’ rights

Recent pronouncements on the national stage have prompted many pertinent questions about how Albuquerque Public Schools and APS Charters handle immigration-related issues. It’s a difficult time, but we want you to know this above all: We are responsible for all students’ safety and well-being while they are at school, and it’s a duty we take seriously.

Here are some key things to know on the subject:

  • DATA believes every student deserves a safe, supportive learning environment.
  • In alignment with APS, any order or directive by immigration officials or local law enforcement officials to any district personnel to bring forth a student for interrogation on their immigration status or to provide any information about a student that may reveal the student’s citizenship or immigration status shall be denied and related immediately to the school Director and APS Police.
  • DATA does not collect nor keep records of any student’s immigration status.
  • NMPED has been conducting trainings to make certain school leaders and staff members are aware of these protocols and that they are being followed.
  • Neither the constitution of the state of New Mexico nor state law establishes citizenship as a requirement for school-age children to attend public school.
  • The U.S. Supreme Court has ruled citizenship status cannot be used to deny public school admission to school-age children.
  • State law dictates that schools cannot deny admission to a school-age child (up to age 21) on the basis of known or suspected undocumented status, or engage in any practice to deter or discourage the right of a student to attend public school.