DATA Families,

New Mexico Public Education Department is partnering with Panorama to get feedback from families, staff and students around well-being and school satisfaction. Students will be taking the survey through their classes during the next week or two and staff will be sent the link through our internal email.

The data we receive from the survey is anonymous and school specific. It will provide DATA with valuable feedback in terms of how we can better serve our families, students and staff. The results will be shared with you and our goals is to use this information to open up discussions around processes and procedures that can address your concerns and enhance the school experience. 

The link is attached. Once you click on the link or copy and paste in to your browser, you will be asked to select your school from the drop down list. Once you choose Digital Arts and Technology the survey will load. Be sure to click Submit when you finish the survey. The survey window will close December 15th. 

Thank you for taking the time to share your input.